Tuesday, February 18, 2014

All you need is Love......Well More like All you need is Food

Hi all I know I'm late again.....I'm working on it.

This week was full of those blog-able moments, in part some to Dr. Ewing's visit on Wednesday you can only give so many empty threats to students before they call your bluff ! Thursday had to be in my opinion, that is what this is all about,the one to talk about. In my large 8animal science class I am not playing favorites they are just very interesting students, they just as surprised by what they pull most of the time it was the last day of goat nutrition finally we went back to a point that was mentioned a few time throughout the lesson but never really hit hard "Goats are Selective Eaters". To  drive this point home I had them take 3 different kinds of cereal always remember to take the supply list wit you to Walmart or you end up improvising/ grabbing random crap you don't need or is just wrong it ended up being 2 kinds of cereal and potato sticks, long story short it worked.

The Students say food when they walked into class and Ms.Ross became "your my  favorite teacher". This went on up to the point I told them "Now, separate the cereal out again" after they had mixed it all up real good oh all the moaning and yet I found myself laughing at how fast their feelings changed ,when asked how did  you feel about that, hard or easy, it was the hardest thing in the world I know this could have gone wrong ,but I ignored this student frustration, it was really just high school students being high school students. After more discussion the next step was to remix the cereals together, boy were they hesitant to mix up as well as they did the first time, right up to the point I told them to put it into their zip lock baggie they thought they were down hahaha not so easy. For lack of better wording on my part I told them to take their bag and pound the crap out of it All the pounding and caring on made Mr. Campbell a little nervous because he came into the room pretty quick to see what was going on. 

Once the bags had all landed on desks and looked like sweepings of the floor the students were instructed to separate the cereal out again, they didn't whine this just laughed at me till they realized I was dead series. "It's Impossible" "It can't be done", "You're crazy" yes but that's not the point I picked the discussion back up and with the very first question , how did you feel about that, easy or hard? All the light bulbs went off at the same time I need sunglasses they were literally trying to scream the answer over each other  I was smiling so much and couldn't stop once order was restored each of them got to share or add on to the others thought on grinding the feed finer prevents goats from picking out ingredients in their feed compared to larger textured mix yes yes yes. After this great epiphany I figured I would go head and push my luck, so we mad a deal if they could answer all of my questions and each one of them answered just one correctly they wouldn't have a written quiz on Monday I was hoping this didn't back fire and ruin my day, Mr.Campbell's face definitely echoed that thought with a why are you pushing it. Lucky I wasn't disappointed by my students, each one of them answered at least one and they were all correct Ms.Ross was the favorite again  HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY, really made remember Why I love teaching Ag and me glad I stuck it out! It also probably didn't hurt that I left them eat the rest of the cereal and random things we didn't us.  

Til next time!                                              

1 comment:

  1. Jessie, You are sharing some great things happening. Really good insight to the teaching process.

    I do encourage you strongly to consider typing the blog in a word document first. Then, read it aloud, before posting. The spelling, grammar and sentence structure issues (clarity) unfortunately detract from the great sentiments you are sharing.
