Friday, April 18, 2014

The Path to the Future.... were are you going?

Hi all,

Alright so after last week's basket drop, I have picked it back up, this week was going to be different ! It was Monday, my first period and fourth period Introduction classes took the same test on general livestock breeding systems, which we had gone over the  week before and reinforced with an visual gummy bear activity. Well, I should clarify that only first period got to do the activity. Because, fourth is incapable of getting through anything without drama or "I Don't Need to Know This". Any ways first period preformed 30%better on the quiz, therefore, I decided that first period would be taught the basic terms and anatomy of livestock in a place based setting using the animals at the barn for a hands on component. Forth would get all the same information via power point and notes. Earlier in my experience I had started collecting data for my action research based on the theory "how student attitudes and performance are effected by the method in which the lesson is presented: lecturer vs.hands on & place based. With the data I had collected earlier and my newer collection it is still in favor of place based for performance, however, it also shows that students' attitudes play a significant factor on the results as well.
On another note the rest of my classes are working on warping up all of our projects, so they can be displayed during the schools future fair this coming Wednesday. The Future Fair is a new event that the principle Dr.Perry developed for this year, each department will be showcasing what curriculum and career opportunists they offer their students, recruiting students in lower grades and their parents. Additionally, for the upper class men colleges,universities, employers will be in the gym to showcase the opportunists they offer graduates. An up date will come next week on how this event goes, so far it is coming together great. During the Future Fair I will be filming the rest of  Ag department's new recruitment video, having the students talking to others in a real setting about their program and were a Future in Ag can take you.

As it all starts to wind down here at Derry it is hard to say good by and the majority of students don't make it any easier to do.

Till next time!        

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Hi all,

Well this week was interesting! The topic was defiantly classroom management, however, the question still remains what I'm I to be doing?  Because, one time it's to little and another it is to much. WHAT!!

At the end of last week I thought this was all behind my and I had finally excelled  in this area. Apparently not,to start things off I was asked to remove a well earned detention  so a "Good" student wouldn't have it on their record. Easy answer, NO. I was then approached by two other students that wanted theirs retracted as well so they wouldn't miss prom or be removed from the school district.They all revised the same answer NO and I asked them if they wanted the short list or the long list as to why they got detention and why it was not going away. I thought that would be the end of the headache for the week, no such luck.

The following day a student informed me they wanted to punch me in the face and were counting down the days till I left so they could. This was brought on by a group project, they didn't like their group, and then they didn't like the other group they were moved to. Luckily, three other students witnessed this to back up my  referential that the office said was to much and my COP said was just enough. But any ways the week went on to Friday and my last review of course this week of  the period acted like the kindergartners they always are and the than the one project I was looking forward to and the majority of my students had been looking forward to was crushed by a handful of student, who I was advised to ignore "they just have an attitude sometimes".

Out of all my weeks this is the one that has gone the worst by far and relay has my questioning why I want to teach because of the question what is to MUCH and what is to LITTLE? Hopefully this week goes a lot better as I take it upon myself to have a review of the expectations and consequences with all of my classes and the one heads back to kindergarten with there classroom management.

till next  time!